Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pet Society Cheat // EXP cheat

  • firefox
  • ce 5.5
  • flash 9.0

  • Step1: Select firefox.exe as your ce process
    Step2: In Pet Society, play Skipping Rope
    Step3: On the left side of the screen, is the number of times you skipped. Stop at 5 skips.
    Step4: You will see that your EXP increased by 1 point.
    Step5: Now scan for '840FFF85C12A0FF2' (hex, 8bytes, ascrom)
    Step6: You should get 2 addresses. Or more.
    Step7: Disassemble the addresses to find the correct 1.
    Step8: After disassembling, you will see this line 'cvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm1'
    Step9: Scroll UP 2 lines to find
    add esp,0c

    mov ecx,[ebp-14]
    Step10: If you can't find this 2 lines, try another address. You must find this 2 lines for the cheat to work.
    Step11: Select the line 'add esp,0c'
    Step12: Click Tools > Auto Assemble > Template > Code Injection > OK
    Step13: Scroll down to add

    mov ecx,[ebp-14]
    Step14: Add this line in between those 2 lines to make it:
    add esp,0c

    mov [ebp-14],186A0
    mov ecx,[ebp-14]
    Step15:Execute > OK
    Step16: Skip on the rope 5 times. You will gain 100k EXP. Have fun!

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